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The programme that will make sure you WILL succeed in successfully achieving your goals. And more importantly, keep the result. The programme is available in Dutch and English.
Here's what you get:

    The digital Motivated Programme is your online personal trainer, nutritionist and lifestyle and health coach all in one.
    No one-size-fits-all programme and everyone is guided to their goals naturally. No diets or gimmicks.
    A digital 1:1 coaching setting where the you get your full attention. And gets all the tools from me to achieve the desired result.
    The Motivated Programme is the link between the starting point and the ultimate destination you envision for yourself. THE roadmap to your desired transformation.

A programme with a different approach. Made by a woman for a woman (and men).

The digital personal and tailor-made 1:1 Motivated Programme is a complete programme where we look at all parts of your life. Because this is the only way to get to the core and you can achieve and maintain your goals now. 

The Motivated Programme is an intense coaching programme lasting a minimum of 6 months. The cost is €299.95 including VAT per month. Requirements for the Motivated Programme are: honesty and commitment to give your all. Only with this attitude will you successfully cross the finish line. With me as YOUR personal Motivator. You will get everything you need from me but you have to do it yourself. Every single day. After all, you are not going to give up!
Are you willing to take a critical look at yourself? And to work hard for the desired result? Then the Motivated Programme is THE programme for you!


Ready to get started
the best version of yourself?

Are you ready to invest in yourself? To go for the result you are looking for? And keep the result you have achieved?

Already more than 100 clients achieved their goals

Read experiences of people like you!

"Na lang gepiekerd te hebben over mijn gewicht ben ik uiteindelijk samen met Monique ‘the challenge’ aangegaan. Inmiddels ben ik al ruim 30 kilo kwijt en leer ik elke keer weer iets nieuws!Monique is zeer professioneel, enthousiast en motiverend."
Karim Dahman

"Working with Mo, I've achieved challenging objectives, found greater balance with my body. You will never get bored to work with her because she takes great care of arranging the training with different techniques every times . She makes sure that you fully own the technique before you start any move."
Manuel Schudt

"Ik ben bij Monique gekomen net na dat ik 8 maanden thuis had gezeten in de corona periode, was mezelf helemaal kwijt, niet fit en metaal niet mezelf.Monique heeft me weer de tools gegeven om mezelf goed te voelen weer inzicht te krijgen in mijn gevoel wat en wie ik nou eingelijk ben en wil zijn.Mo haalt het onderste uit de kan.De trainingen zijn professioneel en ze weet echt waar ze het over heeft. Bedankt"
Priscilla Van Zalinge

"Corona hits to a lot of beautiful people this year. Work from home, eat, sleep n repeat distorted our body and soul. Thank God I found Monique (the motivated coach). She trains my body and soul together. She will not ask you to do something you can't do. But she will make you that you want to try something you think you can't do. I train with Mo only 2 hr a week and yes I have some results in my 3rd month 💕"
Pann Ei Schudt

The female body. At all stages of your life, your body goes through change.

Changes can give you a lot of problems physically and mentally. Problems that we are ashamed of and that shame can also bring a lot of insecurity. 
What is at the heart of these problems? And what are the consequences of this, physically and mentally? 
Every body is unique and needs customisation. In every phase of your life. I provide that customisation with my Motivated Programme
I am Monique Pols. As a woman, I have successfully guided women - aged 35/60 - towards achieving and maintaining their goals personally and digitally for years. I know what the struggles are but also how to solve them.  
In a world where we live increasingly unhealthy and inactive lives, we are digitally bombarded with so much contradictory information that you can no longer see the wood for the trees. 
Our body is our home-our foundation. Our body communicates with us all day long. Only do we listen to her well enough? Or are we constantly putting her on mute?

Do you recognise yourself in these complaints:

● Fat storage belly and hips● Weight gain (for no reason) ● Wanting to eat more/ craving sweets ● Overweight ● Skin problems● Lethargy/no energy/ability to concentrate ● Never rested/ always tired● Frequent headaches ● Restlessness/bad sleep ● Constipation/ no constant bowel movements● Hot flushes/ mood swings/ depressed feelings 
But how about: ● Decreased libido/no desire for sex● Dry vagina● Losing urine or not knowing how to hold it up
These are just some of the complaints I help my female clients resolve. 
I teach you how to appreciate your body again at every stage of your life. I also teach you not to settle for the complaints you experience every day. We work together on a body with healthy values and in which you feel good.
 We work from the inside out. Because you are already the best version of yourself, you just have to start seeing that for yourself. 

I look forward to working with you and ticking off your goals together

I have already achieved many great successes with people before you. And I look forward to achieving particularly powerful results with you too.



    Extended kickoff meeting 
    Comprehensive weekly check-in process.
    A complete, detailed digital training, lifestyle, and nutrition programme tailored to your individual goals and needs
    A 1:1 coaching session every 2 weeks via Zoom (2 hours per month)
    A personal google drive with all the necessary documents and tools needed towards achieving and maintaining goals. Shopping lists, e-books- meal prep planner, day planner and more!
    A make yourself proud journal;
    Access to your personal Motivated Coaching digital environment. Which includes your food diary, workouts and progress.
    Support via WhatsApp as often as needed.
    Access to the Motivated Coaching Community where you share experiences with people who have the same goals as you. A platform also sharing recipes and other useful information.
    I stand (virtually) beside you as a motivator and inspiration.

Duration: 6 months minimum
€299.95 incl. VAT per month

Let's talk about
your goals

Contact me today for a free strategy consultation.

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10 tips on how you WILL succeed now!

You are not alone. Make 2023 YOUR YEAR.Let’s get MO-tivated!